Today we were at Lesson three of Unit One. Even though it was the Labor Day long weekend, Miss Amy and Miss Sunny still showed up on time to prepare the lesson. The motivation that keeps them going is the promise they have made to be with our students and we thank them for that! Today our video conference session was going smoothly, and we can see the interaction between the teachers and the students became more lively because of that. We had new students in Taitung joined us today, and our volunteer teachers also could sense the attitude towards learning among students were getting better and better. The internet connection at the Taitung classroom will be upgraded to fiber-optic internet service next week, and hopefully, it will promote more positive interaction and the quality of our teaching. We want our students to learn more and learn better, so let’s encourage each other to do more!

第 1 單元第 3 周課程. 美國勞工節長周末. 志工老師 Miss Amy 和 Miss Sunny 還是準時出席備課, 為的就是當初那份陪伴孩子們的承諾. 感謝! 今天上課影音傳輸流暢, 師生互動更見成效. 台東方面有了新同學的加入, 志工老師們也明顯感覺到同學們的學習狀況漸入佳境. 下周台東教室的網路將會完成升級至光纖等級, 有望大大改善即時互動教學品質, 讓同學們學的更好, 學的更多. 我們彼此加油吧!



From ideas to action, it took us one whole year to prepare, and our volunteer teaching consultants have played the most crucial roles. Even though they have to spend more than two hours on the road to come to the preparation meeting, they always arrive on time and never miss one. After each meeting, they will spend even more time to refine and modify the material to tailor-made the lesson plans for “Project Puyuma” to fit each child’s age and language skill. Their wonderful lesson plans have become the solid foundation for our volunteers to reach their full potential in teaching.

We believe – “Don’t just do it, do it right!”

We’d like to use this opportunity to introduce our admirable volunteer teaching consultants, who dedicated themselves selflessly to the project – Professor Lei and Mrs. Donise (Mrs. Lei).

Dr. Wei-Lin Lei
-Retired professor of the University of California. He’s been working in the field of bilingual education and developing bilingual teacher training for almost forty years. He has received two master’s degrees and a dual-doctoral degree from two universities. He is an expert in Chinese and English dual language learning and the development of teaching materials.

Mrs. Donise Lei
-A retired high school teacher from California public school system. She has been teaching in the field of dual language education and mathematics for over thirty years and received school-wide “Teacher of the Year” award two times and was chosen to demonstrate teaching. She received the US national certification of high school teaching in the subject of Math in 2001. Mrs. Lei has a Master of Education degree and specializes in teaching and developing teaching materials.

No one can achieve anything single-handedly. Again, we give our thanks to all the volunteers who devote their time and effort to keep the project going, and to all the family and friends who follow our progress at MyGiraffe and encourage us continually!

從起心動念到付諸行動的漫漫一年籌備過程中, 居於幕後的志工教學顧問們扮演了最關鍵的角色. 每次來回 2 小時多的舟車勞頓, 準時不缺席每個籌備會議. 回家後再花上無數個小時反覆斟酌修改教材, 順利的依照孩子們的年紀和能力量身打造出”普悠瑪專案”的教案, 奠定了志工老師們充分發揮才能的根基.

一個信念就是 Don’t just do it, do it right! (對的事情要去做, 更要做的到位! )

以下向大家介紹兩位令人敬佩, 無私奉獻的志工教學顧問 Professor Lei (雷教授) 和 Donise 老師 (雷夫人):

雷偉霖博士 (Dr. Wei-Lin Lei)
– 退休教授. 任教加州州立大學, 從事雙語教育和雙語師資培訓近 40 年. 曾兩度擔任美國加州亞裔雙語教育協會會長. 擁有兩個碩士和兩所大學的博士學位. 專長中英雙語教學和教材研發.

雷唐霓思 (Mrs. Donise Lei)
– 退休中學老師. 任教於美國加州公立學校, 從事雙語和數學教學 30 年. 兩度當選學校年度最優秀老師. 曾任示範教師. 並於 2001 年獲得美國中學國家級數學教師證書. 擁有教育碩士學位. 專長教學與教材研發.

任何一件事的成就絕非個人能力所及. 再次感謝每一位志工的參與付出和時常關注與鼓勵 MyGiraffe 的諸親好友們!